Friday, October 28, 2011

Cause for Praise Recap

Well it is over. Cause for Praise is finished and we are back to "normal" around here at DSC. The tech team had a great and busy couple of weeks. Here is a look back with some interesting stats:

Sunday was baptism Sunday so we had to shoot and edit seven testimony videos, get the baptistry ready, and of course have services. After we drained the baptistry, cleared the stage, moved the chairs on the floor (Cause for Praise was in the round on the floor of the worship Center), move the piano off the stage and set up the drums. 
Monday-Friday we set up the chairs in the round, set hung lights, decorated, picked up speakers, set up the band.

Here is a summary of what we set up:
26 inputs from the band
31 channels to the multitrack recorder (5 crowd mics on top of the band channels)
14 QSC K12's placed around the worship center.
4 subs (QSC 18's and EAW SB1000's)
Yamaha M7-48 running two Dante cards for recording and one Aviom.
12 Aviom units
15 sets of in ear monitors
6 Di's (Taylor K4, 2 Radial Pro Di, Aguilar Tube bass DI, Radial J48, CountrymanType 85)
25 Microphones SM57, 2 KSM9, 2 pro 35, 2 Micro D, 2 KSM 109, 2 KSM 32, 2 KSM 27, KSM 44, AKG414, AT350, Beta 52, D6, 2 E935, 2 E609, ATM 25, DPA 4061, 2 ATM 450

Friday night we took it all down. 
Saturday we reset the chairs and set up band for Sunday.
Sunday had our normal services. 
Wednesday we had a Elder Q and A, which was another challenge. Seven open over ear microphones at the same time. Great fun.

Thanks for all the volunteers who helped I could not have pulled it off without you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Another look at the stage for Cause for Praise. We are getting close.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Psalterium and Cause for Praise

Well as I continue my posts on Cause for Praise I need to mention the CD we are releasing.  The CD is called Psalterium Vol. 1 and is a 5 song EP written from the Psalms. It will be available on Friday. You can preview it here.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cause for Praise

Here is the first picture of the setup for Cause for Praise.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cause for Praise '11

This will be the first post of I what hope are many on Cause for Praise '11. I thought a picture of the preliminary stage plot.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Drum Shield

Here at Desert Springs Church we purchased a new drum shield. Our old one has shifted to the you the room with a roof for some great isolation, and vastly improved sound. The new one in the Worship Center is a seamless from Whiteley solutions. They have developed the Phoenix Drum Enclosures, which are little drum condos with all types of features. They are pretty cool but were just to big for our stage, but they came out with the slim, just a seamless curved shield. It looks great and works even better. I would recommend checking them out at the above link and on Facebook.