Monday, February 21, 2011

The Batt-O-Meter

I just ordered the Batt-O-Meter from Keith Mcmillen Instruments. It tests the battery level of instruments and guitar pedals without having to take the battery out. Just insert the 1/4in. Plug in and watch the reading on the screen. We will start using this on Drew's guitar seeing as It goes through batteries pretty fast. It only costs $20.00. I will write a review after we use for a month or so.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The iPad and Me

Well I have an iPad now and I am going to tell you what I think. Let me start with the negatives:

1. Printing is terrible. I was able to finally get some printing setup but it is a chore. If you have one of the printers with the wireless printing form HP I here it does a little better.

2.Let's be honest you can work on certain files from the iPad but I don't want it to be my main computer. Maybe if I used an external mouse and keyboard, but that kind of ruins the idea of the iPad for me.

3. No camera but we know that will be fixed with the new iPad.

Now the positives:

1. Man is it light. I don't mind carrying this thing around.

2. Battery life. Nothing like eight hours of battery life.

3. Apps, Apps, and more Apps.

4. Where do I start. iWorks on the iPad does a good job of being able to update input lists and check lists.

5. Lots of fun apps like an Audio spectrum analyzer and decibel meter.

6. I love reading my blogs and surfing the web on the iPad.

7. It syncs great to my productivity apps like iCal and Things project manager software.

8. Now the main reason I love the iPad is the Stage Mix app for the Yamaha M7CL console. I can now quickly and easily adjust my console with ease using the iPad. It does not give me the input patching that Studio Manager gives me but for a sound check it is DaBomb.

The iPad does not replace my MacBook Pro, I am writing this post from my laptop now, but is a great tool and has improved my work flow. I am getting ready to try some Remote Desktop apps to see how that works. I will post on that in the future.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Soft Patching on the M7

Here is a page out of the Yamaha M7 manual that shows how to soft patch the M7.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Where are the Stage inputs?

Our next training installment shows where our stage inputs are located on the DSC stage. We have access to 40 channels on the deck itself basically in the four corners of the stage. What you don't see is a 56 input 12 out panel back stage right. It also has four neutrik connections for passive wedges.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Setup Training/ Input Sheet

This is a jpg of the input list I use here at Desert Springs Church. You can click on it to get a closer look. It is pretty straight forward. The purple section shows what channel on the console each microphone/DI will show up on. It moves on through what source, model of microphone/DI, Mute group assignment, DCA assignment, what stage input the source is plugged into, which channel on the aviom or which Aux send it is grouped to before being assigned an Aviom Channel, and finally which record slot/channel it is sent to.

The Yellow area is for the Matrix section. It shows Matrix number, what it is sending signal to and what output the Matrix is sent to. The turquoise blue section is the Aux section and shows the same information as the Matrix section. The Green section just tells what kind of stage props we need like stools. The redish area at the end just tells you the Aviom inputs. When I fill this section out it fills out my Aviom input template that I print out so the band knows what input is what.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Set up Training/Sound System

I am starting a series setup procedures here at DSC that will help you see how I go about my week getting ready for Sunday services. I want to start off with my input sheet that I put together every week, but realized it makes no sense if I don't explain the gear we have in our sound system so you can follow all the little columns on the spreadsheet. Here is the gear:
Console: Yamaha M7CL-48
Cardslot 1: Aviom 16/0-Y1, used to send signal down to the Aviom personal mixers
Cardslot 2: Dante MY16-AUD Card, used for channels 1-16 for multitrack recording
Cardslot 3: Dante MY16-AUD Card, used for channels 17-32 for multitrack recording
40 inputs on stage in four stage boxes
56 inputs backstage, 1st 40 redundant to stage boxes
12 sends backstage for extra monitors/extra subs
4 amplified channels for monitor speakers
8 Aviom outputs in stage boxes

Well next time we will take a look at the input list and see how I try and keep things straight.