Friday, March 25, 2011

Our New Recording Space

My Office doubles as the Control Room

The Main Recording Room here with Orange Thunder and The Donkey

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Audio Terminology For The New Church Sound Guy

A Post from Behind the Mixer that will be useful for new Church Sound Guys.

Chris Huff Writes :

Audio Terminology For The New Church Sound Guy

"The [audio] info I read or hear is too geeked out for me to understand," wrote a commenter on another audio web site.  The longer any of us work in this field, the more we sling around the technical words as easily as rubber bands.  With that in mind, I pulled together a short list of the more commonplace terms that many of us use.
In no particular order, though with a slightly major bias towards an alphabetical listing...

Auxiliary (Commonly used phrases: "aux sends" and "aux returns")
Auxiliary is simply the idea of "in addition to."  Therefore, a piece of auxiliary equipment is not a primary piece of equipment like a mixer or an amp but is instead something like a reverb unit or a compressor.  The phrases "aux send" and "aux return" are usually used in reference to the audio signal of a particular channel.

Read the Rest Here:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How Big is Our Stage: Part 2, How many Channels do We Need

Well as I continue to work through my stage set up, it keeps being altered by the input list growing. I am up to 34 channels so far. We have drums, percussion, bass, 3 string players, flute, trumpet, Electric guitar, Piano, Keyboard, acoustic guitar,choir, 8 person ensemble for a special number, and at least 2 vocals (assume this will grow). Clarus is the same just no strings,flute or trumpet. It is going to be a great 14 days of setting up and tearing down and rockin the flock.

Friday, March 18, 2011

How Big is Our Stage

You ever wonder where are youngoing to put everyone? Well here comes Easter and here at DSC it feels like we are going for a world record on our stage! Stay tuned for preliminary input listnand stage plot.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Well

I just finished a rare night at the Well, our college ageish ministry at DSC. it was a great night of worship through music and the Word. I did a little tag team mixing with my longest suffering sound volunteer Trish. This came about because my volunteers had previous committments so they could not be at the Well. Trish works right up until service starts but still likes to come and get a litle worship on. I was restoring a time machine backup to one of our pastor's Mac's so I cut out during the teaching time, I have a video feed in my office so i can keep tabs on the sermon and get back in time for the final set of music. When heard Los starting to wind dowwn I headed back in, Trish was at the console ready to go, so I sat back and just enjoyed. I think she made sound better, just the right amount of effects on the mix, good vocal placement. The reason I mention this is, seeing as Trish filled in for me when i was called out of service a few weeks back and she covered me tonight, I appreciate all the time she puts in, and how ahe has grown as a mixer.